List multiple items and upload to eBay in bulk! EBay Turbo Lister is a FREE listing tool to help you create professional-looking listings, as well as upload and edit items in bulk. If this does not work, send an email to Explain the issue. 1) Right click on the Windows icon (formerly known as the Start Button), 2) Click on Control Panel, 3) Click on Internet Options (small box displays), 4) Click on the Advanced tab, 5) Scroll down the displayed list to the Security section, 6) Click on the box next to TLS 1.0 (ie make sure it has a check mark), 7) Click Apply. So let's reset the correct security protocol on your system (in case it was accidently reset by the upgrade). Recently eBay discontinued the use of one security protocol and asked users to make a change to InternetExplorer. Did you format the disk and install a fresh copy of Win 10, or did you upgrade Win 8.1? In any case, TurboLister uses components of InternetExplorer to communicate with eBay (even if you normally use a different browser). I am not sure just exactly what you mean by 'wiped your computer'.