Cons are that on lower-spec hardware, you need to downscale them to a lower resolution. Pros are that they always look good & are consistent across the whole game. See full PC system requirements, expert reviews, user ratings, how to download Final Fantasy.

There are pros & cons to doing every cutscene pre-rendered, though. The brand new Monster Recruitment System is also available for you to try out, allowing you to enlist defeated enemies into your party and use as allies.įinal Fantasy XIII-2 is due for release on 3rd February for Xbox 360 and PS3. FFXIII was doubled in size on Xbox One X because Microsoft rerendered the files in 4K. The demo takes place in the Bresha Ruins of the game and sees Noel and Serah pitted against a massive foe who has mysteriously appeared due to an anomaly in time and space, of course! You're able to experience many of the new gameplay features and enhancements for the game, including the much-talked-about cinematic action sequences in battles and environments with multiple areas and paths to explore. We are very pleased to give our fans the chance to see the multitude of game improvements for themselves.” says Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy XIII-2's producer.

“ The FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 demo provides an excellent opportunity for players to try out the evolved battle system and fully explore an entire area of the game. Have you got your hands on this playable demo for Final Fantasy XIII-2 yet?! It's available to download now on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network.